What Are Connect Cards For Church?

7 Perfect Church Connection Card Examples Pro Church Tools
7 Perfect Church Connection Card Examples Pro Church Tools from prochurchtools.com

Connect cards are physical cards that churches use to collect information from visitors. Churches use connect cards to ask visitors to fill out their contact information, such as name and email address, as well as any other information that the church might need to know. Connect cards are also used to track attendance at church services, and they can be used to help the church build relationships with visitors and members. In the past, connect cards have been used as a way to gather contact information from visitors, but in recent years, many churches have begun to use them as a way to build relationships, as well.

Connect cards are a great way for churches to stay in touch with visitors and members. By collecting contact information and other information from visitors, churches can build relationships with them and keep them informed about church events, programs, and other news. Connect cards are also a great way for churches to track attendance and to get feedback from the members. Churches can use the connect cards to ask questions, such as how frequently they attend church services and what types of events they are interested in attending.

Connect cards are also a great way for churches to connect with potential members. By asking visitors to fill out a connect card, churches can get to know potential members better and build a relationship with them. Churches can also use the connect cards to invite potential members to church services and events, and to remind them of upcoming events. Connect cards are a great way for churches to stay in touch with their members and to build relationships.

Sample Connect Cards for Church

Here are some sample connect cards for churches:

  • Church Name: ___________________________
  • Name: ____________________
  • Address: ________________________
  • Phone Number: ___________________
  • Email Address: ___________________
  • Are you currently a member of this church? _________________
  • How often do you attend church services? _________________
  • What events are you interested in attending? _________________
  • Are there any comments or questions you would like to share? _________________
  • Signature: ______________________

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Connect Cards for Church

  • What information should be included on connect cards?

    Connect cards should include the church's name, the visitor's name, address, phone number, email address, whether the visitor is currently a member of the church, how often they attend church services, and what events they might be interested in attending. It is also a good idea to include a space for any comments or questions the visitor might have.
  • What is the purpose of connect cards?

    The purpose of connect cards is to collect contact information from visitors, as well as any other information that the church might need to know. Connect cards are also used to track attendance at church services and to build relationships with visitors and members.
  • How can connect cards be used to build relationships with visitors?

    Connect cards can be used to ask visitors to fill out their contact information, such as name and email address. Churches can also use the connect cards to ask questions, such as how frequently they attend church services and what types of events they are interested in attending. By collecting this information, churches can get to know potential members better and build relationships with them.
  • How often should connect cards be used?

    Connect cards should be used at every church service or event. It is also a good idea to ask visitors to fill out connect cards when they first visit the church, so that the church can keep them informed about upcoming events and programs.
  • Are connect cards secure?

    Yes, connect cards are secure and the information collected should be kept confidential. Churches should take measures to protect the information collected, such as using secure servers and encryption.


Connect cards are a great way for churches to collect contact information from visitors and to build relationships with them. Connect cards are also a great way for churches to track attendance and to get feedback from members. By using connect cards, churches can stay in touch with their members and build relationships with them.

Tags: Church Connect Cards, Church Visitor Forms, Church Attendance Tracking, Church Relationship Building

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