What Is The Mission Statement For Sony?

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Sony is an international conglomerate corporation that engages in a wide range of businesses, from electronics and entertainment to financial services and robotics. Established in 1946, the company is one of the world’s leading providers of consumer electronics, entertainment, and other services. As a result, Sony has developed a mission statement to guide its actions and to ensure that it follows the principles that have made it successful.

Sony's Official Mission Statement

Sony’s official mission statement is “to fill the world with emotion through the power of creativity and technology.” This mission statement is at the heart of everything the company does, from designing and manufacturing innovative products to creating engaging entertainment experiences. Sony believes that its products and services should not only be technologically advanced and reliable, but also inspire emotions in its customers. To this end, the company strives to create products that are original, stylish, and easy to use.

Sony's Core Values

In addition to its mission statement, Sony also has a list of core values that it strives to uphold in all aspects of its business. These core values include:

  • Innovation & Creativity: Sony believes that innovation and creativity are essential to staying ahead of the competition and delivering products and services that meet customer needs.
  • Integrity: Sony strives to be an ethical and responsible company and to maintain the highest standards of integrity in all of its business practices.
  • Respect: Sony respects its customers, employees, and partners, and strives to create a culture of respect and fairness.
  • Passion: Sony has a strong commitment to excellence and works hard to create products and services that exceed customer expectations.
  • Collaboration: Sony believes in working together and in the power of collaboration to create products and services that are better than the sum of their parts.

Examples of Sony's Mission Statement in Action

Sony’s mission statement is reflected in its products and services, which are designed to be innovative, reliable, and inspiring. Sony’s products range from consumer electronics such as televisions and cameras to professional audio and video equipment. Sony also produces a wide range of entertainment, including movies, television shows, and video games. Finally, the company has a strong presence in the financial services sector, offering banking, insurance, and investment products.

Sony’s mission statement is also reflected in its commitment to sustainability. The company has set ambitious goals to reduce its environmental footprint, including reducing its energy consumption and reducing its emissions of greenhouse gases. Sony also works to ensure that its products are produced ethically and responsibly, and that its suppliers adhere to its standards of safety and quality.

Sample Mission Statements for Sony

1. To create innovative and inspiring products that enhance the lives of our customers and the world.

2. To use technology to bring joy, excitement, and satisfaction to our customers.

3. To foster a culture of collaboration, respect, and excellence throughout our organization.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Sony's Mission Statement

Q: What is Sony's mission statement?

A: Sony's mission statement is "to fill the world with emotion through the power of creativity and technology."

Q: What are Sony's core values?

A: Sony's core values are innovation and creativity, integrity, respect, passion, and collaboration.

Q: How does Sony's mission statement influence its products and services?

A: Sony's mission statement influences its products and services by driving the company to create products that are innovative, reliable, and inspiring. Sony's products range from consumer electronics and entertainment to financial services and robotics.

Q: What is Sony's commitment to sustainability?

A: Sony is committed to reducing its environmental footprint. This includes reducing its energy consumption and emissions of greenhouse gases, as well as ensuring that its products are produced ethically and responsibly.

Q: How does Sony's mission statement influence its corporate culture?

A: Sony's mission statement influences its corporate culture by fostering a culture of respect, collaboration, and excellence. The company works hard to create products and services that exceed customer expectations, while also maintaining the highest standards of integrity in all of its business practices.


  • Sony
  • Mission statement
  • Core values
  • Innovation
  • Creativity
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Passion
  • Collaboration
  • Sustainability

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