Cv Format For Nurses: How To Get Noticed In 2023

The Best Nurse CV/Résumé Examples and Templates
The Best Nurse CV/Résumé Examples and Templates from

Nurses need to be prepared with a professional CV in order to be successful in their job search. A CV is the first impression a potential employer has of an applicant and it is important to make sure it stands out. The future of nursing is bright and the demand for nurses is high, so it is essential for nurses to have an up-to-date, well-crafted CV that reflects their skills, qualifications and experience.

The CV format for nurses should be tailored to the particular job being applied for. It should be organized and easy to read, highlighting the relevant information quickly. It should also be free of errors and include references from current employers or professional contacts. A CV should also be updated regularly and include any new experience or qualifications.

Tips for Writing a CV for Nurses

When writing a CV for nurses, it is important to remember that it should be succinct and comprehensive. It is not necessary to include every detail of a nurse’s experience and qualifications; rather, it should focus on the most pertinent information. Here are some tips for writing an effective CV for nursing:

  • Be sure to include the relevant contact information, including name, phone number, email address, and physical address.
  • Include a summary of qualifications, including any certifications or degrees, to give the employer a clear picture of the applicant’s experience.
  • Include a list of relevant skills, such as bedside manner, patient care, and administrative duties.
  • Highlight any relevant experience, including clinical or research experience, volunteer activities, or other relevant positions.
  • Include a list of references who can attest to the nurse’s qualifications and experience.

Three Sample CVs for Nurses

Having a well-crafted CV is essential for success in a nursing career. Here are three sample CVs for nurses that can provide inspiration:

Sample CV 1: Experienced Nurse

Jane Smith

123 Street

Anytown, AB 12345

(123) 456-7890

Summary of Qualifications

Experienced Registered Nurse with 10+ years of experience in patient care, clinical experience, and administrative duties. Excellent bedside manner, strong communication and interpersonal skills, and experience in a wide range of medical settings. Certified in Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardiac Life Support.


Bedside manner, patient care, clinical experience, administrative duties, communication, interpersonal skills, medical terminology, medication administration, medical record keeping, basic life support, advanced cardiac life support.


Registered Nurse, General Hospital, Anytown, AB (2012-present)

• Provide direct patient care in a wide range of medical settings.

• Utilize strong communication and interpersonal skills to develop relationships with patients and families.

• Administer medications and medical treatments as prescribed.

• Record and document patient care in medical records.

• Utilize basic life support and advanced cardiac life support in emergency situations.

Registered Nurse, Smalltown Hospital, Smalltown, AB (2008-2012)

• Provided direct patient care in a wide range of medical settings.

• Utilized strong communication and interpersonal skills to develop relationships with patients and families.

• Administered medications and medical treatments as prescribed.

• Recorded and documented patient care in medical records.

• Utilized basic life support and advanced cardiac life support in emergency situations.


Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Anytown University, Anytown, AB (2008)


Available upon request.

Sample CV 2: New Graduate Nurse

John Doe

456 Avenue

Anytown, AB 54321

(123) 456-7890

Summary of Qualifications

Recent graduate of Anytown University’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. Exceptional bedside manner, strong communication and interpersonal skills, and experience in a wide range of medical settings. Certified in Basic Life Support.


Bedside manner, patient care, clinical experience, communication, interpersonal skills, medical terminology, medication administration, medical record keeping, basic life support.


Clinical Nurse Extern, General Hospital, Anytown, AB (2012-2013)

• Provided direct patient care in a wide range of medical settings.

• Utilized strong communication and interpersonal skills to develop relationships with patients and families.

• Administered medications and medical treatments as prescribed.

• Recorded and documented patient care in medical records.


Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Anytown University, Anytown, AB (2013)


Available upon request.

Sample CV 3: Experienced Nurse Practitioner

Jane Doe

789 Street

Anytown, AB 12345

(123) 456-7890

Summary of Qualifications

Experienced Nurse Practitioner with 10+ years of experience in patient care, clinical experience, and administrative duties. Exceptional bedside manner, strong communication and interpersonal skills, and experience in a wide range of medical settings. Certified in Advanced Cardiac Life Support.


Bedside manner, patient care, clinical experience, administrative duties, communication, interpersonal skills, medical terminology, medication administration, medical record keeping, advanced cardiac life support.


Nurse Practitioner, General Hospital, Anytown, AB (2012-present)

• Provide direct patient care in a wide range of medical settings.

• Utilize strong communication and interpersonal skills to develop relationships with patients and families.

• Administer medications and medical treatments as prescribed.

• Record and document patient care in medical records.

• Utilize advanced cardiac life support in emergency situations.

Registered Nurse, Smalltown Hospital, Smalltown, AB (2008-2012)

• Provided direct patient care in a wide range of medical settings.

• Utilized strong communication and interpersonal skills to develop relationships with patients and families.

• Administered medications and medical treatments as prescribed.

• Recorded and documented patient care in medical records.

• Utilized basic life support and advanced cardiac life support in emergency situations.


Master of Science in Nursing, Anytown University, Anytown, AB (2008)


Available upon request.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about CV Format for Nurses

Here are some frequently asked questions about CV format for nurses:

  • What should be included in a CV for nurses?
    A CV for nurses should include relevant contact information, a summary of qualifications, a list of skills, relevant experience, education, and references.
  • Should a CV for nurses include references?
    Yes, a CV for nurses should include references who can attest to the nurse’s qualifications and experience.
  • What format should a CV for nurses be in?
    A CV for nurses should be organized and easy to read, highlighting the relevant information quickly. It should also be free of errors and include references from current employers or professional contacts.
  • How often should a CV for nurses be updated?
    A CV for nurses should be updated regularly and include any new experience or qualifications.
  • What is the best way to make a CV for nurses stand out?
    The best way to make a CV for nurses stand out is to tailor it to the particular job being applied for and make sure it is free of errors and well-organized.

Having an up-to-date, well-crafted CV is essential for success in a nursing career. Following these tips and guidelines can help nurses create an effective CV that will get noticed in 2023.


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