Basic Resume Examples: A Guide To Crafting An Impressive Professional Resume In 2023

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Simple Resume Template Basic Resume Templates Hloom Key tips for from


In 2023, writing a resume is more important than ever before. Employers are looking for qualified individuals to fill positions, and one of the main ways to stand out from the competition is to have an impressive resume. That’s why it’s important to know how to write an effective resume that will make employers take notice. But what exactly makes a resume impressive?

In a nutshell, an impressive resume should be professional, organized, and easy to read. It should also be tailored to the specific job you’re applying for and highlight your relevant skills and experience. Additionally, it should be free of typos and errors. With this in mind, below are some tips on how to craft an impressive professional resume in 2023.

Tips for Crafting an Impressive Professional Resume

1. Choose a Professional Template: Make sure to select a professional-looking resume template that is easy to read. You want to make sure it is visually appealing and easy to scan. Don’t use a template that is too complicated or busy.

2. Use the Right Format: Select a resume format that is easy to read. The chronological format is the most popular and is preferred by most recruiters. This format includes a summary of your qualifications, a list of your professional experience, and a list of your education and certifications.

3. Focus On Relevant Experience: Make sure to focus on the experience that is most relevant to the position you’re applying for. This means you should highlight any skills and experience that are specifically mentioned in the job description.

4. Highlight Your Achievements: Don’t just list your job duties. Instead, be sure to include any achievements or successes you’ve had in previous jobs. This will help you stand out from other applicants.

5. Use Keywords: Many employers use applicant tracking systems to scan resumes for keywords. Make sure to include relevant keywords related to the position you’re applying for to ensure your resume is picked up by the system.

6. Avoid Typos and Errors: Make sure to proofread your resume multiple times to ensure there are no typos or errors. Typos and errors can be a major turn-off for recruiters, so make sure to double-check your resume before submitting it.

7. Keep It Short and Sweet: Keep your resume to one page. Recruiters are busy and don’t have time to read long resumes. Make sure to include only the most relevant information and leave out any unnecessary details.

8. Include a Cover Letter: Make sure to include a cover letter along with your resume. This gives you the chance to explain why you’re the perfect candidate for the position and how you can make a positive contribution to the company.

9. Tailor It To the Job Description: Your resume should be tailored to the specific job description. Make sure to include any skills or experience that are mentioned in the job description. This will show the recruiter that you’re a good fit for the position.

10. Use Action Verbs: Use powerful action verbs when describing your experience and skills. This will help your resume stand out and make a lasting impression on recruiters.

3 Sample Basic Resume Examples

Below are three samples of basic resume examples that you can use as a starting point when crafting your own resume.

Example 1: Basic Resume for Entry-Level Positions

John Doe

123 Main Street

Anytown, ST 12345

(123) 456-7890


Recent college graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. Proven track record of success in managing projects, leading teams, and meeting deadlines. Skilled in customer service, problem-solving, and communication.


Business Intern, ABC Company

May 2020 – August 2020

• Assisted in the development and implementation of marketing campaigns.

• Developed and maintained relationships with key stakeholders.

• Coordinated and organized events and meetings.

Customer Service Representative, XYZ Company

June 2019 – April 2020

• Handled customer inquiries, complaints, and suggestions in a professional manner.

• Resolved customer issues in a timely and efficient manner.

• Trained new employees on customer service policies and procedures.


Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, University of Anytown – May 2020

Example 2: Basic Resume for Mid-Level Positions

Jane Doe

123 Main Street

Anytown, ST 12345

(123) 456-7890


Experienced professional with 5+ years of experience in business management, customer service, and project management. Skilled in problem-solving, communication, and leadership. Proven track record of success in meeting deadlines and exceeding expectations.


Business Manager, ABC Company

June 2015 – Present

• Managed a team of 20+ employees.

• Developed and implemented marketing campaigns.

• Led weekly meetings and organized events.

Customer Service Manager, XYZ Company

April 2013 – May 2015

• Handled customer inquiries and complaints in a professional manner.

• Trained and supervised a team of 5 customer service representatives.

• Developed and implemented customer service policies and procedures.


Master of Science in Business Administration, University of Anytown – May 2013

Example 3: Basic Resume for Senior-Level Positions

John Smith

123 Main Street

Anytown, ST 12345

(123) 456-7890


Highly experienced professional with 10+ years of experience in business management, customer service, and project management. Skilled in problem-solving, communication, and leadership. Proven track record of success in meeting deadlines and exceeding expectations.


Business Director, ABC Company

June 2010 – Present

• Managed a team of 30+ employees.

• Developed and implemented marketing campaigns.

• Led weekly meetings and organized events.

Customer Service Manager, XYZ Company

April 2008 – May 2010

• Handled customer inquiries and complaints in a professional manner.

• Trained and supervised a team of 10 customer service representatives.

• Developed and implemented customer service policies and procedures.


Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration, University of Anytown – May 2008

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Basic Resume Examples

Q: What is a basic resume example?

A: A basic resume example is a template used as a starting point when crafting a resume. It is typically a one-page document organized in a chronological format and includes a summary of qualifications, a list of professional experience, and a list of education and certifications.

Q: What makes a resume impressive?

A: An impressive resume should be professional, organized, and easy to read. It should also be tailored to the specific job you’re applying for and highlight your relevant skills and experience. Additionally, it should be free of typos and errors.

Q: What format should I use for my resume?

A: The most popular and preferred format for a resume is the chronological format. This format includes a summary of your qualifications, a list of your professional experience, and a list of your education and certifications.

Q: What should I include in my resume?

A: You should include a summary of your qualifications, a list of your professional experience, and a list of your education and certifications. Additionally, you should include any relevant skills or experience mentioned in the job description.

Q: What should I avoid when writing my resume?

A: You should avoid making your resume too long and including any unnecessary details. You should also avoid typos and errors, as these can be a major turn-off for recruiters. Lastly, make sure to proofread your resume multiple times to ensure it is error-free.


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